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Cloud CMA - How to Change User Settings

When in the Cloud CMA program click on “settings”

You will be brought to the User settings here you can change your name, city/state, email, company, and upload your personal photo and a company logo.  Most information will already be loaded I from the MLS, and you will not need to change any password as you log in directly from the MLS.  When changes are complete click on “Update”


Clicking above where it says “contact” will bring you to the settings for your contact information.  To add contact information click on the drop down and select what contact information you wish to enter.  Type in the appropriate information and click on “Add” the additional contact information will be displayed below.  If you wish to remove contact information click on the trash can icon to remove specific information.


You can edit your Agent Resume, Client Testimonials, Cover Letter, Marketing Action Plan, and Our Company selections.  You can also create your own page, or add a custom PDF page that you can insert into your report.


To insert a custom PDF page click on “upload a new PDF”


Select the PDF you wish to upload and click on Open.  The PDF will now be available to select from the customize report page.

The “Lead Gen” section is where you can find links for apps, your website, buttons for your website, or simply post to your preferred social media.  Each option has a video link to help you understand how to use them.


Additionally in Lead Gen, you can set the system up to automatically email a finished report to all of the web leads.  Reviews and rating can be added to your report in this section as well.

  • 85
  • 29-Sep-2017
$(function () { $('.SendEmail').click(function (event) { var email = '[email protected]'; var subject = 'Test'; var emailBody = 'Hi Sample,'; var attach = 'path'; document.location = "mailto:"+email+"?subject="+subject+"&body="+emailBody+ "?attach="+attach; }); });